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My Sect
My Profession
Self-employed Person
Marital Status
Never married
Kuala Lumpur
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
Please read my profile details,let's see how strong your imaan.
Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
My self Masum Abdullah(Easily can find out, demag lagaw)🙏😂
Birth place: Sylhet
Nationality: Bangladeshi
TRP: Malaysia
Languages i know: Bengali sylheti, Malaysian,Hindi-Urdu.
I am 35 now and my height is 160cm.i am a person who is positive about every aspect of life.
Sorry for that i'm not much educated,i'm elder son and i sacrificed for my family.i had to take care of my parents and siblings,I'll do continue my duty InshaAllah.i just passed higher secondary from mc college Sylhet and degree social science till final year.later i did diploma in hotel management from Victoria international college in Malaysia.unfortunately i didn’t complete my graduation bcoz of family responsibility.then i start work in Malaysia and currently living Malaysia for work.
I know it’s difficult to match but i believe my Allah.definitely he written someone for me.i will sabr and wait for her🤲
I've balance deen dunia and culture.i'm a modest and practicing muslim.i follow Islam strongly and i don't do anything if it’s against in Islam.
I love to cook,you can call me chef. I lovelong drive and go to gym fit for my self.it’s my pleasure to cook something for my wife.you don't need to worry about kitchen.basically i do my all households work from last 10 years.i can make smile in her face InshaAllah.I want give you highly respect what give you rights in our Islam.

About my character:Prayer five times,Quran recite always.fasting from childhood.my friends mean only male friends.alcohol bar&club i never touch and go in my life Alhamdulillah.
Social media: Yes FB & IG (not addicted)
Family details:
My parents alive.we are fully Islamic,standard and moderated family located in Sylhet city.we are six siblings.4 sisters & 1 brother.3 sisters are married and they settled with their husband.4th & 6th younger sister and brother studying MBA & Hon's both are North East University in Sylhet city.
I need a kind person who can sacrifice and able to understand my weaknesses.
I need a person in my life who looked my character and taqwa.married me for pleasure of Allah.
If your answer yes,bless me as your life partner. Wallahu,I promise that love will never end for you till my death.
I pray for my future wife in every salah even i'm not married yet.
Best of luck for your expectations
ZazakAllahu Khairan.

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What I Am Looking For
I'm not impress with this character even if you are only queen left in this world.
1.Bar club/cinema going person
2.Following islam your own way
3.Outing and gossip with male friends
4.Never prayer/Salah,fasting
5.Not eating always halal food
Looking my better half doesn’t matter where she living,what her situation and no matter looks,height or weight. I believe Allah created us different physics.a practicing muslimah more value for me rather than dunia.
I hate them who mention within this location that country.if you looking your cousin you should avoid global platform.

I want perform the Nikah in Mosque with simplicity and in the presence of very close relatives.
Practicing Muslimah preferred
Height: 4'-5" to 5'-0" which is match with me.if the bride tall than me it's depend on her choice.
At least basic fard work and Islamic mindset.rest everything who want practice with me.Hijabi yes.if you wear Niqab then i can't explore how much i feel proud.but I'll never force.it’s all your individual faith.
I want Islamic values person who understand that this life and dunia just for a test.nonstop life will start hereafter.we can learn and practice together.we can help each other whatever situation.i hope i will find someone who looking same way.someone who compromise with her life and support me.
I don't mind if she divorced or older than me (follow prophet Muhammad SAW and his wife Khadiza R.A).but it's depend on her Taqwaa.i'm fully mature person than my age and look alhamdulillah.reverted sister are most welcome if u r practicing Islam according to Quran and sohih Hadith. but not Shia faith.I've valid reason.

I'm willing to Sunnah Nikah.I want to get married for the pleasure of Allah.

When I see profile someone looking Islamic husband and she mentioned Islamic/deeni advice i swear I go crazy with joy.i feel in my mind I will get what I want.but when I see their conditions, my dream remains a nightmare.😭

The Prophet said,“Whoever makes things easy for an insolvent person, Allah will make things easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter.

I want to say something those who rejected me.the experience I have gained from talking to thousands of people is that even though everyone has declared that they want a religious and Islamic life partner,but in reality they do not priority Islam or deen,they looking wealthy person.they looking who living their next building.
No compromise,no sacrifice then how????

A religious person never reject a good offer. dunia is nothing.look your face in the mirror, you will get all the answer.now you rejected me just bcoz of my weakness.but you will remember that day when you feel your weakness and people will reject you.

May Allah give us hidaya,ZazakAllah.

Jazakallahu Khairan.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live Alone
Kuala Lumpur
My Height
1.60m (5' 3")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
Self-employed Person
My Job Title
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?